Bayer China

Bayer is an innovation company with a more than 150-year history with core competencies in the life science fields of health care and nutrition. With our innovative products, we are helping find solutions to some of the major challenges of our time. With life expectancy continuing to rise, we improve quality of life for a growing population by focusing our research and development activities on preventing, alleviating and treating diseases.
At the same time, Bayer aims to develop breakthrough innovation, so as to shape agriculture to ensure farmers and consumers to get healthy, safe, affordable food, which is grown in ways that are good for their communities and good for the planet. Bayer’s links with China have a long tradition, going back to 1882 when the company first came to China. With the country now among the fastest-growing markets in the world, Bayer has stepped up its involvement in the region. In 2019, Bayer's sales in Greater China reached 3.724 billion euros. As of December 2019, Bayer has more than 9,000 employees in Greater China.